sunr - tall
- sunray venus
- supercargo
- superjacent waters
- supply vessel
- support ship
- surf clam
- surf smelt
- surface drift net
- surface floating trawl
- surface layer
- surface plume
- surplus of the allowable catch
- survey
- Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification
- survey of stock abundance
- surveying trawl
- survival rate
- suspended matter
- suspended particles
- suspension of innocent passage
- sustainable use
- sustainable utilization
- sustainable yield
- swath
- swath sounding
- sweep net
- swivel
- swordfish
- swum net
- synoptic turbulence
- synthetic aperture radar
- synthetic aperture sonar
- system agreement
- System for Stabilizing Export Earnings in the Mining Sector
- system State
- tabular iceberg
- tag
- tag return
- tagging
- tailwater
- 1
- 2